This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!
Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.
Sample categories
- Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
- Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
- Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
- Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
- Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.

Areas of Work: I specialise in written Children's Birth (Natal) Chart Readings for Parents based on the natural development of their child and the family relationships. I also provide written Natal Chart Readings for Adults, looking at their current life circumstances and any areas on which they want guidance, this would be a six month Forecast only.
Location: Tiverton, Devon, England, United Kingdom

When People come to an astrologer it is usually because they are at a crossroads in their life. They are seeking suggestions as to how to move forward and an awareness of times of both potential opportunity and challenges, and in what areas of life these may fall.
I use techniques from what is known as the traditional era which extends from early Greece up to the Renaissance period. This form of astrology is more objective as opposed to subjective. It helps you to be aware of the world around you, allowing a deeper understanding of yourself and the reasons why you react to certain events (and people) in various ways by examining your Humoural temperament. Traditional astrology is deeply spiritual, but does not deal with karma, past lives or any other New Age beliefs or doctrines.
By its very nature, astrology is the best form of life coaching.
How I work: Initially I will need certain data: your birth date, place and time of birth (as accurate as possible) and the reason why you wish to have an astrological consultation. Once we have had an initial chat, I usually ask you for events that occurred around certain dates in your past. This is so I can see how the planets may work when they become what are known as Time Lords.
My fields of expertise are in natal, horary, electional and mundane astrology. I cover career or vocational astrology, as well as relationship (synastry), business astrology, relocation, children s birth charts and annual forecasting.
I offer either (1) A full written report followed by a recorded zoom meeting to discuss any issues raised; (2) A recorded zoom session with a brief written synopsis, or (3) simple telephone consultations, as well as in person.
My background is as a qualified horary astrologer (QHP), answering specific questions. I was personally taught by the incomparable Olivia Barclay. I studied with the Faculty of Astrology up to Diploma level (I didn t take the final exam). I also studied directly with Robert Zoller in the late 1990 s who taught Hellenistic and Medieval astrological techniques. I now teach my own course of traditional astrology and am the Convenor and a Tutor for the QHP. I also teach traditional techniques for astrology schools here in the UK and overseas. I have written for the Media, and for many years worked on local radio discussing astrology and mundane events. I hold an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology and am also a qualified herbalist (Sac. Dip) and have a Certificate in Personal Life Coaching from The Coaching Academy. I am located in East Sussex. For further information please see my website
Location: Eastbourne, Sussex, England, United Kingdom

Psychological and Spiritual Astrologer,
Counsellor, Relationship Therapist, Author,
Clinical Supervisor (in training)
Registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, accredited member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists.
Services offered: Astrological sessions on-line: birth charts, relationship charts, and future influences.
Online and face-to-face tuition in astrology, using a structured, but also a relaxed approach.
Supervision for astrologers who may need support or guidance with regards to client work, or astrological studies.
Astrological workshops, using a technique called "experiential astrology". This is an immersive and tangible experience, recreating birth charts using a large Zodiac circle, which is four metres in diameter. The birth chart is created, and each participant is invited to literally walk through their birth chart, connecting with the planetary influences.
Location: Guernsey and Alderney, Channel Islands. Availability for other locations.

Shaun is a qualified and accredited transpersonal psychotherapist and professional astrologer. He also reads and teaches tarot.
Astrology readings can help with:
• Self-understanding and life’s meaning.
• Love and Relationships.
• Family.
• Career.
• Karma.
• Planning the future.
A full consultation is £160, with a copy of your chart and a recording of the 90 minute session. Consultations can be on-line or face to face in Worcestershire or London.
Contact Shaun on:
Location: Worcestershire and London, United Kingdom.

I am a London-based astrologer qualified with the Faculty of Astrological Studies. I offer astrology readings both from my practice in London and online through Skype or Zoom. I take a holistic approach to the way I look at the birth chart, honouring both its inherent psychological/spiritual potential and the external ways this is likely to manifest in your life.
Ever since 2005, the year that I took my first steps to formally study astrology, I have been honoured to accompany my clients in their process of self-exploration and helping them navigate periods of transition, change and transformation.
Alongside my astrology work, I am a BACP-registered qualified counsellor and I bring the qualities of confidentiality, empathy and unconditional positive regard into our sessions.
Areas of Work: Natal & Birth Chart Readings, Character Analysis, Relationships, Career & Vocation, Astrological Forecasting, AstroCartoGraphy, Rectification, Electional Astrology, Teaching & Private Tuition.
Specialities: Psychological Astrology, Astrological Counselling & Coaching
Location: London, England, United Kingdom and Athens, Greece & Internationally (online)

Consultant and media astrologer. Wrote weekly and monthly star signs columns for Psychics Connect for 13 years.
Forecasting, relationships, career/vocation, life direction/spiritual path. Zoom/Skype/phone consultations.
Co-author of The Door Unlocked, An Astrological Insight Into Initiation (with Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki).
Location: near Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Areas of work: Character analysis, personal relationships, vocational, rectification, forecasting, life coaching. Telephone readings.
Location: Moreton Pinkney, Northants, NN11 3SG, England, United Kingdom

Sue Brayne MA, D.F. Astrol. S.
I specialise in Soul Astrology, which is about helping you to connect with your soul’s journey so you can understand why you are living the life that you are. This can clarify why negative patterns of behaviour might keep repeating, and how you can break these patterns through a profound understanding of yourself. I believe the more you become conscious of who you are, the more you can make the very best of all the challenges and joys that come your way.
Having said this, I strongly believe in free-will choice. Yes, you are born with an astrological chart set at the moment of your birth, but knowing and understanding your chart helps you to turn the lessons you have come here to learn into a life full of adventure rather than one filled with fear and doubt. If you would like to book an appointment or find out more, please contact me through my website. Please note that I only work on zoom.
Additional work: astrological journalist, teacher, and workshop leader.
Location: Wiltshire, England, UK