This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!
Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.
Sample categories
- Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
- Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
- Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
- Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
- Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.

Areas of work and interest: Character analysis, future trends, astrology from a spiritual perspective.
The Lunation Cycle is a special area of interest and so is Chiron, the Wounded Healer. I am also a certified EFT-therapist (Emotional Freedom Technique) from EFT Norge (EFT Norway).
Having made a complete recovery from many years of undiagnosed Lyme Disease thanks to a wonderful herb, teasel, it was a revelation as an astrologer to discover that my illness had been caused by a bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, which has a lunar cycle. I run a Norwegian-English website with information on Lyme Disease and herbal remedies which also includes some information on Lyme and lunar phases,
I am not a medical astrologer, but I find that astrology and EFT can be useful tools in understanding and dealing with some of the underlying emotional patterns that can have an effect on our health.
Consultations available by Skype
Languages: Norwegian and English
Location: Norway

Lianneholds the Mayo School of Astrology Diploma (Distinction) in both Natal and Mundane Astrology and now also tutors for the Mayo. She has a wide range of astrological interests with her current research focused on Asteroids and Dwarf Planets.
She works with a range of Astrological techniques and offers various services including Natal Analysis and Forecasting, Relationship Analysis, Vocational and Sport Analysis, Karmic Analysis, Rectification and Elections. She is also available for lecturing, tutoring, writing and research.
As well as consulting, lecturing and writing, as a former professional sportsperson and coach, she is particularly interested in the use of astrology to help enhance sport performance and is currently training for her Black Belt in Shotokan Karate.
Location: North East England, United Kingdom

My practice is in West Sussex, and I hold astrology workshops in the UK and abroad. My focus of awareness being the divinatory shamanic pathway to spiritual illumination. This passion led me to gain the MA in Myth, Cosmology, and the Sacred from Canterbury Christchurch University in 2015. For several years I was a Faculty of Astrological Studies tutor, and the Registrar for the Faculty’s prestigious Summer School held annually at Exeter College, Oxford. I also served on the Faculty’s Council for six years from 2014-2020, as well as being the Faculty’s Head of Exams from 2019-2021.
Areas of work: Birth chart character analysis; Personal Relationships; Children\'s Charts; Forecasting; Vocational Guidance; Astrology Workshops; Lecturing; Consultations held in person or via Zoom.
Location: Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

For me, an astrology reading is a magical act, pulling on the threads of your life to give you a glimpse of the whole web, your place in the pattern of the universe. I’ve been practising astrology for over twenty years and gained my Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 2018. I see clients in person in north London as well as online, helping them to find clarity and context for both inner life and outer events. I also teach for the Faculty of Astrological Studies both in person and online and offer mentoring to students and those training as professional astrologers.
Areas of work: Natal and Forecasting, Character analysis, Vocational, Personal relationships, Children\\\'s Charts, Ongoing work/counselling, Teaching, Lecturing, Psychological, Electional, Spiritual guidance and personal growth.
Location: London N8, England, United Kingdom

Area of work: Writer
Liz has been published in the Astrological Journal, the bi-monthly publication of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, the Astrological Association E-Zine, In The Loop, and IAM Infinity Magazine.
Liz has also been republished twice by Astrodienst on their website one of the largest and most respected astrology portals.
Liz's published work for the Astrological Journal in 2017 included an in-depth astrological analysis of the US healthcare scheme, Obamacare, which was republished on, a 60th anniversary astrological tribute to the BBC programme, The Sky at Night, an astro portrait of 17th-century French King, Louis XIV, which was republished on in Autumn 2019, extensive research and analysis of the role astrology plays in the Fashion World, and her piece looking at the astrological indicators for Generation Z was published in the Autumn 2016 edition of the Astrological Association E-Zine, In The Loop.
Liz's essay on Obamacare and her research into astrology and the Fashion World were mentioned in the best of 2017 category in a look back at the history of The Astrological Journal for the 50th anniversary edition.
Liz's in-depth astrological profile of 18th-century French Queen, Marie Antoinette, was published in the March/April 2018 edition of the Astrological Journal and republished in IAM Infinity Magazine issue 23 in 2019.
Liz's astrological analysis of the natal chart of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, founder of the Romantic Movement in England, and his poem, Kubla Khan, was published in issue 22, of IAM Infinity Magazine in 2019. Liz also gave an interview for this issue.
Liz’s analysis of the natal chart of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the uncanny correlations with his poem, Kubla Khan, was republished in the APAI Summer 2023 Newsletter.
Liz also writes astrological poetry. Her poem connecting with the Taurean archetype was published in The Astrological Journal May/June 2013 edition.
You can contact Liz at
Location: North of England, United Kingdom

I am a person centred counsellor accredited and registered (83879) with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). I blend together counselling, Jungian therapy and psychological astrology.
Counselling with the natal chart is ideal for Single Session Therapy. Experience in anxiety, trauma, grief, peri-natal & baby loss, ancestral healing, spirituality & neurodiversity.
Previously I worked in the Defence & Aerospace industry and I have 16 years’ experience as a Royal Air Force Logistics Officer and Programme Management Analyst.
Demo of my work:
My philosophy espouses an ensouled world or Anima Mundi principle and spirituality. I support clients experiencing new realms of mystical and spiritual experience – as per the work pioneered by Stanislav Grof, Czech psychiatrist.
I use the natal chart to amplify personal, family & ancestral complexes; dreams; neurodiversity. This method benefits both neurodivergent and neurotypical clients to understand their unique way of thinking and responding to the world around them. As astrology mirrors generational themes, astrology offers a perspective on this natural evolutionary shift unfolding in today’s neurodiversity.
Dr Carl Jung (1875-1961) wrote about the lack of meaning in 1933 in, ‘Modern Man in Search of a Soul’, suggesting his patients’ neurosis was attributable to living a life devoid of meaning. In my experience, I believe this is still the case in the 21st century.
[‘Neurosis’, a term used in the 20th century, to refer to mental disorders characterised by anxiety, depression, or other feelings of unhappiness or distress].
Our souls include the mythopoetic and the imaginal as another mode of knowing (right brain hemisphere). Ignoring these needs the soul is bereft, under-nourished and we live a one-sided existence overly reliant on logic and directed will (i.e. left brain hemisphere). This is a modern day Westerners’ problem.
The natal chart is an image of psyche read as a sacred text. Your unique astrological natal chart helps to find meaning in life. From the banal daily routine to understanding your generations’ struggles, the zeitgeist of the collective & your role within the cosmos. With meaning, we can endure suffering thus develop resilience.
I work in the here and now; starting with this moment in time; I meet you where you are at NOW. Acknowledging the here and now allows any conscious change to take place and is guided by humanistic psychology.
Weaving the astrological natal chart into the sessions, I work with your unconscious to compensate and to balance out the ego perspective. I work psychotherapeutically using psychoanalytic (inc Jungian dream analysis) and psychodynamic approaches.
•Single Session Therapy ('SST') 60 or 90 minutes
•Short to longer term therapy (60 minutes).
•You do not have to commit to a certain number of sessions.
•Ad hoc sessions are available.
•Astrology is optional.
What to do next? Taking the first step…
•Contact me for a free 15 minute discovery call as way of an introduction.
•If you would like to go ahead with a session we'll make a diary booking.
•If you would like to include astrology in your session, I will prepare your natal chart in advance of our first session together.

Facebook: MySkyPie
Instagram: @myskypieastrology
Holder of John Frawley's Horary Craftsman diploma as well as being a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (MAPAI), Organisation of Professional Astrologers (OPA), the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) and the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR). Although English born, Lynn has resided in Italy for most of her adult life and speaks fluent Italian. A professional natal, predictive, and horary astrologer with an international clientele, Lynn is author of several articles published in specialised astrology magazines and also writes a successful blog with a worldwide following.
Location: Italy