This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!
Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.
Sample categories
- Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
- Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
- Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
- Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
- Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.
There are currently 3 astrologers in this directory beginning with the letter N.
Nascita Montuschi Dip API, MAPAI
E: T: +44 (0)759 593 5435 W:

Personal consultations for self-understanding: face-to-face, by phone or internet. No written reports but sessions can be recorded. Concessionary fees for low-waged or unwaged.
Individual & small-group tuition.
Neslihan Kazdal, DMS Astrol (Distinction)
E: W: @Insta: uranesgozlemevi Facebook:
I’m a consulting astrologer working one-to-one with clients for ten years. I’m interested in individual stories and human psyche focusing on psychological, modern and archetypal approaches in my work, ranging from natal chart analysis to annual forecasts. I tend to
blend mythological narratives and Sabian symbolism as well according to need.
I was privately tutored on natural astrology which found my basis in the field. I then went after international programs, taking courses from FAS, LSA, Mayo, attending OPA’s peer groups, and finally applying to The Mayo School of Astrology’s Diploma Program for accreditation. I received my diploma on astrology with distinction in March 2023.
I have a BA in Translation and Interpreting Studies from Bosphorus University and a professional background in advertising industry. It’s all sorts of languages and communication that I’m always keen to learn and use as a bridge which also define my interest in astrology as a language of symbols, vision and understanding. That’s how I see and use it. A bridge between different consciousnesses and realms.
Apart from my consultations, I write and create digital content on astrology in several different media. I’ve been writing about main topics like eclipses, equinoxes, solstices on a reputable online newspaper Diken ( since 2021.
I continue my studies in astrology supporting it with other spiritual and creative disciplines like meditation, yoga, literature, and creative writing. Currently I’m attending an ancient wisdom training program focusing on the Tree of Life and numerology with deep meditation practices which I hope will bring different layers to my path.
I also have a personal blog where I write with inner contemplations from mundane life to arts, from travels to journeys. I love writing.
I’m a member of OPA and the AA, and glad to be part of the community.
Location: Istanbul, Türkiye / Turkey
Languages: Türkçe / Turkish, English
Consultations via Zoom, Skype or in person in Istanbul

I’m a consulting astrologer working one-to-one with clients for ten years. I’m interested in individual stories and human psyche focusing on psychological, modern and archetypal approaches in my work, ranging from natal chart analysis to annual forecasts. I tend to
blend mythological narratives and Sabian symbolism as well according to need.
I was privately tutored on natural astrology which found my basis in the field. I then went after international programs, taking courses from FAS, LSA, Mayo, attending OPA’s peer groups, and finally applying to The Mayo School of Astrology’s Diploma Program for accreditation. I received my diploma on astrology with distinction in March 2023.
I have a BA in Translation and Interpreting Studies from Bosphorus University and a professional background in advertising industry. It’s all sorts of languages and communication that I’m always keen to learn and use as a bridge which also define my interest in astrology as a language of symbols, vision and understanding. That’s how I see and use it. A bridge between different consciousnesses and realms.
Apart from my consultations, I write and create digital content on astrology in several different media. I’ve been writing about main topics like eclipses, equinoxes, solstices on a reputable online newspaper Diken ( since 2021.
I continue my studies in astrology supporting it with other spiritual and creative disciplines like meditation, yoga, literature, and creative writing. Currently I’m attending an ancient wisdom training program focusing on the Tree of Life and numerology with deep meditation practices which I hope will bring different layers to my path.
I also have a personal blog where I write with inner contemplations from mundane life to arts, from travels to journeys. I love writing.
I’m a member of OPA and the AA, and glad to be part of the community.
Location: Istanbul, Türkiye / Turkey
Languages: Türkçe / Turkish, English
Consultations via Zoom, Skype or in person in Istanbul
Niki Pazsitzky, Dip MISPA
E: W:
Niki Pazsitzky is a professional astrologer with a focus on psychological astrology. She holds a Diploma in Psychological Astrology from MISPA and has been studying astrology for over a decade. She is committed to empowering her clients through a psychological and archetypal approach and to helping them live more fully, authentically, and consciously.
She works with both individuals and couples, and provides Natal Chart Readings, Year Ahead Forecasts, Couples Consultations, and Open Sessions where clients can bring questions and gain perspective on any dilemmas, challenges, or life transitions they are experiencing.
She provides consultations in English, Hungarian, and Italian. She is currently based in Budapest, Hungary and works mostly online via Zoom with clients from all over the world.
Areas of work: Natal Chart Reading, Couples Consultations, Year Ahead Forecasts, Psychological, Archetypal, Character Analysis, Media work and copywriting.
For more information and to book a session, you can visit her website:
Location: Budapest, Hungary

Niki Pazsitzky is a professional astrologer with a focus on psychological astrology. She holds a Diploma in Psychological Astrology from MISPA and has been studying astrology for over a decade. She is committed to empowering her clients through a psychological and archetypal approach and to helping them live more fully, authentically, and consciously.
She works with both individuals and couples, and provides Natal Chart Readings, Year Ahead Forecasts, Couples Consultations, and Open Sessions where clients can bring questions and gain perspective on any dilemmas, challenges, or life transitions they are experiencing.
She provides consultations in English, Hungarian, and Italian. She is currently based in Budapest, Hungary and works mostly online via Zoom with clients from all over the world.
Areas of work: Natal Chart Reading, Couples Consultations, Year Ahead Forecasts, Psychological, Archetypal, Character Analysis, Media work and copywriting.
For more information and to book a session, you can visit her website:
Location: Budapest, Hungary