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This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!

Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.

Sample categories

  • Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
  • Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
  • Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
  • Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
  • Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.


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There are currently 7 astrologers in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Pam Gregory Dip Astrol S, Highest Honours from the Noel Tyl Masters Course, MAPAI
Pam GregoryE: T: +44 (0)1590 671072, Mobile +44 (0)770 8015687

Areas of work: Psychological development, rectification, and career advice.

Location: Lymington, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom

Pat Harris PhD, MSc, DF Astrol S, FAPAI
Pat HarrisE: T: +44 (0)1962 713 134 W:

Areas of work: Personal relationships, Business, Character analysis, Children's charts, Electional, Forecasting, Horary, Vocational, Lecturing, Psychological, AstroGeography, Cassettes

Location: 1, Highfield, Twyford, Nr Winchester, Hampshire SO21 1QR, England, United Kingdom


Patricia Godden BSc PhD dipWESA FAPAI
Patricia GoddenE: T: +44 (0)7811 975 901 W:

My aim is to help a person understand themselves and their life better. When interpreting the natal horoscope, I also look at what the person s soul is endeavouring to achieve in this lifetime.

This deeper perspective can bring insights into why a person is going through their experiences. Difficulties may be better understood. Realising what comes easily can help a person make more of their opportunities. Both challenges and opportunities contribute to soul growth.

Consultations are by Zoom and last between 1 and 2 hours. I give talks to local groups and nationwide by Zoom, am tutor on the White Eagle School of Astrology Beginners Course and have written two books on astrology: Housing Your Planets and Astrology, Crystals and Spirituality.

I was originally a scientist but an interest in spirituality eventually led me to become an esoteric astrologer.

Location: Liss, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom

Paul Summerfield Dip Astrol C, MAPAI
Paul SummerfieldE: T: +44 (0)1403 782131, Mobile: +44 (0)7957 658346

Areas of work: Personal relationships, Character analysis, Forecasting, Ongoing work

Location: Billingshurst, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom

Philippe Sibaud, MA, DFAstrolS
E: T: +44 (0)7764 313 697
I am French and have been living in the UK for more than thirty years. I have been practising astrology for ten years, as well as working as a writer for different organisations and as an independent author. In 2020, following the completion of my Master's Degree in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, I published 'Scavengers of Beauty', a symbolic take on the Apollo Moon landing, in which I explore the astrology of the astronauts and of space exploration.

Following in the tradition of humanistic and psychological astrology, I use the natal chart as an image, or a map, of the psyche that I explore jointly with my client.

We then look into specific issues to be addressed, if any, and into the archetypal climate of the present moment and of the near future (12 months ahead) - not in a predictive sense but as an exploration of the symbolic forces at play in that particular moment of time.

I work face-to-face and online.

Categories: humanistic, psychological, person-centered.

Location: Canterbury, Kent, England, UK.

Polly Tomlinson Dip. Homeopathic Med, Dip. Shamanic Hom., Dip. Esoteric Astrology, MAPAI
Polly TomlinsonE: T: +44 (0)7903 033052

Having a Diploma in Esoteric Astrology, I work with clients via zoom or other video chat, revealing the life map of the client’s birth/natal chart.

Looking at the birth chart from both a psychological and esoteric/spiritual perspective can help to understand our general character, life to date and help with both personal growth as well as good health.

I have also practised for over 20 years as a Homeopath (Classical and Shamanic), Bach Flower Practitioner, E.F.T. Practitioner, Theta Healer and Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher.

Medical Astrology is a beautiful accompaniment to these other healing modalities.

If you are interested in how your birth chart influences you and your health then I would be happy to work with you on this journey.

Location: Halsall, West Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Prudence Jones MA, ACIL, FAPAI
Prudence JonesE: T: +44 (0)1223 323 299

Problem-solving, Business, Political, Character Analysis, Life Directions, Experiential Astrology, Talks & lectures

Author of: Creative Astrology

Location: Cambridge, England, United Kingdom