This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!
Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.
Sample categories
- Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
- Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
- Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
- Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
- Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.

Areas of Special Interest: Personal Consultations for Spiritual, and Life-Path Astrology. New baby reports for parents. Practical Astrological Celebrant Advisor (e.g. available light by Moon Phase, actual Sun and Moon rise and set, visible Planets at location). Astrology Teacher, Speaker and local Groups Networker.
Location: Torcroft, Commons Lane, Shaldon, Teignmouth, Devon, England, United Kingdom

I have been studying astrology and preparing Astrology Charts for over 30 years and recently I obtained my Diploma in Astrology from the MAYO School of Astrology.
My interest in astrology started many years ago from observing peoples’ behaviours and how they approach the ebb and flow of life. We are fascinating creatures, and we achieve so much in life with so little!
We are blend of energies: in some cases, these energies blend well and propel us forward unhindered in life whilst in other circumstances these energies cause challenges and obstacles that we have learn to overcome.
Astrology gives you a bird’s eye view of energies that are at your disposal, your attributes, and challenges that you may face within you. Furthermore, Astrology allows you to understand the external flow of energies around you, the easy flow of energies and challenges that life brings you.
The movement of planets, in general, indicate the phase of life that we go through; sometimes these phases are easy and pleasant and, in some cases, they are challenging and teach us vital lessons of life. The timing of these phases is important to know as it is much better to go with the flow of life rather battle against the energies. Timing of these phases of life is essential and I will help you to identify these phases and what to expect.
I use tried and tested Traditional and Modern Astrological Analysis to prepare a chart. Every chart that I prepare is distinct and I spend great deal of time analysing the flow of energies in the chart. I also look at short-term past and future to identify slower and deeper flow of changes and influences around you.
I specialise in the personal and inter-personal aspects of Astrology for example:
Natal Charts: your own birth chart
Relationship Charts for two people
Family Charts: trends and flow of attributes and challenges that may run in generations of a family
Short-term and long-term forecast
Selecting a date for a wedding, a journey or starting a new business
A particular question relating to a specific issue or area of life
Relocation and moving house to a particular location
I offer face-to-face reading, remote reading (via ZOOM, Google MEET or other video technologies), and written reports. In my experience, the chart comes alive when the client is present in the room or is online as the client can talk about the issues which are pertinent to him/her at the time of reading.
If you think that you can benefit from what astrology can offer you and help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me via my dedicated e-mail address:
Mobile +44 (0) 7782 325250
Location: Reading, UK, Larnaca, Cyprus (in the summer period) and Online

Areas of work: Chart Interpretation; Chart Rectification; Forecasting; Vocational; Personal Relationships; Child horoscope; Vedic Astrology; Skype Consultations; Teaching.
I am a full time astrologer and teacher with an international client base. I obtained qualifications in Western Astrology and Astrological Counselling from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS). I trained in Vedic Astrology with Pandit Sanjay Rath. I was a member of the FAS Council as well as a Tutor. I am currently mentoring a group of students in vedic astrology. I offer in-depth astrological consultations over Skype using the client's natal chart together with current transits, progressions and planetary periods to help the client gain clarity and insight into their current situation. I have practiced yoga and meditation since my youth and follow a mystical path which is reflected in my transpersonal psychological approach to the chart.
As I am trained in both the Western and the Vedic traditions of Astrology, I use both systems in my consultations, integrating a psychological approach based on the tropical zodiac with predictive vedic techniques based on the sidereal zodiac for greater accuracy and to gain insight into a client's major life challenges. Vedic astrology offers the scope of studying over 20 different charts for detailed analysis of one's karma in different aspects of life. The correct time of birth is essential for an accurate reading and I specialise in rectifying the time of birth when this is not obtained from a birth certificate.
Location: Beckenham, Kent, England, United Kingdom

I practice Astrological Psychology, otherwise known as the Huber Method of astrology, which is based on 50 years of research, consulting, and teaching by Swiss astrologers / psychologists Bruno & Louise Huber who developed this approach while working with Roberto Assagioli, the founder of psychosynthesis.
By analysing your Huber-style natal birth chart, which is the map of your unique personality, I can help you to discover your psychological make-up, the greatest influences affecting your life and the direction your life is taking. It will reveal motivations you re unaware of, your mental, emotional, and physical Strengths and Weaknesses, the tensions and crises these may be generating in your life, and where they originate from. The revelation of these will put you in a better position to make take more control of your life, to make wiser decisions, and to deal with life more positively. It will offer a fresh perspective on your interpersonal relationships, encourage you to grow psychologically, and also reveal your potential for spiritual growth.
The Huber Method is based on the psychotherapeutic practice of Roberto Assagioli who believed that we are composed of various aspects of our personalities, which he called sub-personalities. As in any group of characters, these various aspects of ourselves don t necessarily get on with or agree with each other and we can so easily get caught up in identifying with one or other of them believing that they are our real self. When we don t really know who we are and why we behave in certain ways, our sub-personalities are more likely to be reacting to people and circumstances in habitual and sometimes inappropriate ways, many of which were learned in childhood when our aim was just survival.
Through analysis of your chart, as you begin to become aware of these many parts of yourself and how they are living your life for you, you will be able to start the process of synthesising these into a united whole. To integrate them, you will first need to disidentify with them, which you can do by moving into the empty circle in the centre of your chart which represents your real, inner self, or I . From there, instead of being a passenger of your life, you ll be able to take over the controls, and instead of leaving it to fate or these sub-personalities, start living your life in a more direct, positive and fulfilling way.
In my practice, I prefer to give an in-depth written analysis, as I believe that having something you can absorb and refer to time and time again will be more beneficial, and invaluable for your psychological growth. It also gives me the time, as I m writing, to understand your psychological make-up more fully and to give you a more rounded analysis than could be given in any face-to-face session. Each analysis (approximately 60-70 pages) will be personally written (not computer generated), and if after reading it you have any burning questions, then you are welcome to email me, and I ll be happy to answer your queries. More information can be found on my website:
Location: Littlehampton, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom

Instagram: @theseawithinyou
Mark Douglas is from Prince Edward Island, Canada where he operates his SeaWithinYou astrological consulting and coaching business. His main focus are natal and horary consultations. He has a diploma from the Huber APA school and is completing his horary apprenticeship from John Frawley. He is also a board-certified coach, fully insured. His focus combines astrology and psychosynthesis coaching to help clients understand their birth charts, realize more potential, and support their needs authentically and professionally. He is available in-person, phone, and through Zoom.
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Areas of work: Personal relationships, character analysis, children's charts, teaching, vocational, ongoing work/counselling, psychological.
Consultations by Skype available
Location: Hong Kong

Visit her website for full details. International work by phone or Skype.
Location: BCM Starwalker, London WC1 3XX, England, United Kingdom.

Consultations available by Zoom.
Astrology is at its best when someone approaches it when they’re at a critical decision point or they feel stuck. It helps us recontextualize our lives and gives us warning when we’re likely to make mistakes or have consequences catch up to us.
What I do as an astrologer
It is my role as an astrologer to act as guide and help you make the best of the opportunities afforded you. I do this a few different ways. I can answer questions about what’s going on in your life, in the trade that is called horary astrology. I can consult your birth chart and work with you to find the broader patterns of your life, once we know what those patterns are we can discuss how best to work with them, this is the ever-popular natal astrology. I can help you to help you figure out when the best times to start relationships, careers, businesses, and even diets, this is known as electional astrology.
If we have already worked together on your birth chart, I am able to do year or month look-ahead consultations. In these we find out what the themes of a year or month will be and when major issues are likely to complete. This allows you to take advantage of opportunities and avoid potential pitfalls.
My approach and qualifications
I am firmly rooted within what is known as traditional astrology. My emphasis is on the concrete, and I am well versed in classical, medieval, and early Modern astrology. This is the same astrology that was leveraged by the kings, princes, and potentates of the past.
I started my studies in 2014 under Christopher Warnock who is well known for his work with the Picatrix and horary astrology. I then studied Hellenistic Astrology under Chris Brennan of The Astrology Podcast. Natal Astrology I have earned my Diploma of Traditional Predictive Natal Astrology from Sharon Knight the well-known tutor and Chair of the APAI and studied under the prolific translator Dr. Benjamin Dykes, where we focused on the writings and techniques of the Arabic-Persian astrologers of the 8th-9th centuries.
Location: McKinney, Texas, USA

Mina has a large appetite for learning, and in true Virgoan style she's motivated to share the knowledge she cultivates practically with others. In so doing, Mina offers in-depth astrological readings, to support people in living their chart more fully and aligning with its potentials. Mina is also a trained counsellor and appreciates the spirit of collaboration, which she brings to her practise, as well as a confidential setting.
Areas of work include: Natal, Forecasting, Synastry, Vocation, Children's horoscopes.
Currently studying: Diploma of Medieval Astrology
Location: Australia

Languages: English and Estonian
Offering worldwide online consultations through Skype/Zoom/FaceTime, and in person consultations in Estonia, Tallinn. All my consultations are allowed to record.
Areas of work: natal chart, predictive, relationship astrology- synastry and composite, electional astrology, soul-based and karmic nodes astrology, vocational and career.
My profound interest lies in areas of relationships and soul-based astrology, but I truly enjoy to dive deep into all above mentioned areas. It seems that as an humans we are on a constant search for a meaning, to simply awaken the power and the knowledge that already resides in all of us. My goal with my reading’s is to offer a guidance, to highlight those potentials, challenges and opportunities, which already exist in us.
In my readings I use western astrology teachings, and I read the charts form a technical point of view and with the intuition.
For more information about me and on my journey to astrology you can explore from my website.
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Keeled: Inglise ja Eesti
Teostan ülemaailmseid veebikonsultatsioone läbi Skype/Zoom/FaceTime keskkonna. Soovi korral on võimalik minuga isiklikult kohtuda Tallinnas. Kõiki minupoolseid konsultatsioone on lubatud ka salvestada.
Olen spetsialiseerunud järgnevates valdkondades: sünnikaart, tulevikuprognoos, suhete astroloogia- sünastria ja komposiit, elektiivne astroloogia, hingepõhine- ja karmasõlmede astroloogia, kutse- ja karjäärialane astroloogia.
Minu sügav huvi peitub just suhete-, hingepõhise- ja karma astroloogia vastu, kuid naudin süvakuti minemist kõikidesse eelpool nimetatud valdkondadesse.
Inimestena oleme me pidevatel otsingutel, et äratada endas peituv vägi ja teadmised. Siinkohal on minu eesmärk pakkuda juhatust ning esile tuua meis endis peituvaid andeid, väljakutseid ja võimalusi.
Astroloogilistes konsultatsioonides kasutan lääne-astroloogia õpetusi ning kaarti loen nii tehniliste teadmiste baasil, kui ka intuitsiooni abil.
Rohkem infot minu ja minu teekonna kohta leiad minu kodulehelt.
Asukoht: Tallinn, Eesti

CA NCGR-PAA (Level 4), Research Chair, NCGR, Founding Director, APAA
Areas of work: Rectification, Teaching (Using Zoom and Moodle at
Examination Preparation, Baby charts, Horary and Electional, Available for Lectures, Services in French, Spanish and English.
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Mychal A. Bryan is a Bahamian-Jamaican astrologer, journalist, author, and clinical hypnotherapist, specializing in hypnotic dreamwork. In May 2023, he published Mastering Traditional Astrology: A Depth of Beginning in the Celestial Art. He is the founder of Oraculos School of Astrology (OSA), where he offers a rigorous training program in concrete, event-based astrology. He practices Renaissance and Uranian Astrology in his client work, focusing largely on predictive and medical astrology research. Within his healing practice, Mychal is also a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) and Jikiden Reiki teacher. An avid student of the Western mystery tradition, he is entrenched in the world of Jewish mysticism, hermeticism, alchemy, geomancy, and the Qabalistic Tarot. To study with Mychal, visit:
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA.