This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!
Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.
Sample categories
- Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
- Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
- Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
- Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
- Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.

My name is Ian Davis and I have been a qualified astrologer for many years. I received a Diploma in Psychological Astrology from the Centre for Psychological Astrology in 2005 and became a member of APAI the same year. In 2015 I became a Fellow of APAI. I have an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University (2008).
I also hold a Diploma in Integrative Psychosynthesis Counselling (1996) and have been an accredited counsellor with The British Association for Counselling since 2000.
I offer both one off astrological consultations and ongoing astrological/counselling work. A chart reading lasts 100 minutes. The birth chart or horoscope shows the exact position of the planets at the moment of birth. Astrology holds there is a connection or synchronicity between the position of the planets and events on earth and individual lives.
I look at character analysis, relationships, career, vocation, meaning, individuation and understanding of events earlier in our lives . I use transits and progressions to see what is going on for a client in the here and now and what may be coming up in the future. Sometimes knowing when a difficult transit is going to start and end makes it easier to bear.
Ongoing astrological/counselling involves using the horoscope or birth chart as a symbolic map of the psyche, thus enhancing the therapeutic work. I believe people with a philosophy or sense of meaning in life live more fulfilled lives .Learning to \'Tread lightly\' also helps us to avoid dramas and anxieties that can lead to unhappiness or depression.
I work face to face in Clapham. A horoscope reading lasts 100 minutes and costs GBP120. Ongoing sessions are 50 minutes and cost GBP70.
Location: 104 Edgeley Road, Clapham, London SW4 6HB, England, United Kingdom

Areas of work: Chart Interpretation, Natal, Forecasting, Relationships, Family and Synastry, Children's Charts, Vocational Guidance, Ongoing Work, Electional Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Spiritual and Psychological Development, Astrocartography, Chart Rectification, Writing and Research, Media and Teaching.
I've been practising astrology for over thirty years. My official studies began at the Centre for Psychological Astrology back in the 90s, during which time I also gained a BA in Fine Art from Chelsea Art College. Being interested in the bigger philosophical questions, I then went on to gain two Philosophy Masters degrees (from the Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews) and finally a PhD in Philosophy (St Andrews), specialising in logic and metaphysics. I have since taught logic and philosophy at the University of St Andrews and the London School of Economics (LSE) and have written and published at an academic level, as well as creating media content as an astrologer. Continuing my consulting work, I went on to gain my diploma with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, whilst also training with Marisa Peer as a Rapid Transformational Therapist and Hypnotherapist (
Astrology is a rich symbolic language that, contrary to popular belief, facilitates self-empowerment and the exercise of free will. It allows us to step outside our programming and decode it, revealing the reality blueprint that we are working from so we can make better decisions. An astrology reading also functions as a live GPS, it shows 'you are here', helping you decipher the surrounding area and decide your next steps. It is precisely such mental shifts that allow for greater freedom of will and conscious choice.
When I look at anything, the first thing I want to know is 'why'. It is by understanding why something is happening, the bigger picture or meaning of an experience, that an empowering transformation takes place. Once you know the 'why', you can fruitfully examine the practical details - the 'how', 'what', 'where' and 'when' to tackle the situation and take charge of the outcome. I really enjoy consultation work, where I can make a difference in someone's life, as well as writing, teaching and research. Since 2020, I mostly work online and, wherever possible, in person.

Isin Kemanci Isiklar is a Turkish astrologer, painter and Theta Healing Therapist. She started to study astrology with Baris Ilhan, Ilhan Astrology Institute in 2010, further studied with Alice Ekrek and Graham Ibell in Mayo School Astrology. She has got NGCR- 1 (National Council for Geocosmic Research certificate-Level 1). She graduated from Mayo School of Astrology and she has been awarded a diploma in astrology with merit in July 2017. Her areas of work are character anaylsis, personal relationships and career. She makes presentation in companies regarding Astrology. She has prepared and vocalized Astrology articles for the magazine which is prepared for The Blind People Library which is established in 2004 in Turkey since 2015.
Location: Izmir, Turkey / Türkiye