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This directory gives a list of astrologers who can meet your needs!

Use the search box to search on category, city, country, or any keyword. A list of sample categories is given below – these are the most common.

Sample categories

  • Horary: Horary astrology answers a particular question, such as “Is this job right for me?” or “Where is my lost wedding ring?”
  • Natal: Astrologers who look at a birth chart to give a general character analysis, personal growth, and so on.
  • Predictive: Astrologers who look at both a birth chart and suggest a road map for the period ahead.
  • Career: Advice when changing or starting a career.
  • Electional: Choosing the best moment for an event such as a wedding, or starting a new project.


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There are currently 14 astrologers in this directory beginning with the letter J.
Jadranka Coic, QHP
E: T: +44 (0)7789 176 575

Areas of work: Horary, Natal Chart Analysis, Forecasting, using traditional astrology techniques.
I am available for private consultations, talks, lectures & tutoring.
Location: London, Fulham UK, or sometimes Cavtat, Croatia

Jan Coles D Psych Astrol, FAPAI

No longer taking on new clients.

Location: Salford, Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Janey Stubbs DF AstrolS, RMANM, MAPAI
Janey StubbsE: T: +44 (0)20 8940 2544

Areas of work: Personal relationships, Character analysis, Children's charts, Forecasting, Vocational, Esoteric, Ongoing work/Counselling, Psychological, Cassettes, Telephone Consultations, Written work.

Location: 72 Lichfield Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1AP, England, United Kingdom

Jean Elliott DF Astrol S, RC Astrol, FAPAI
Jean ElliottT: +44 (0)1568 611 597 W:

Areas of work: Personal relationships, Character analysis, Children's charts, Forecasting, Vocational, Mundane, Teaching, Lecturing, Ongoing work, Psychological

Location: Herefordshire, England, United Kingdom

Jeannette Regan Dr. es Psychologie, DF AstrolS (1984), FAPAI
Jeannette ReganE: T: +41 24 430 14 35

I am mostly retired but am pleased whenever I can be of assistance to those seeking insight into themselves through natal-chart interpretation, including forecasting. I can consult in person where I live or via Skype and zoom in English, French, and German (understanding of Swiss German).

I was born and raised in the United States, where I studied political science (A.B. and M.A.)and discovered a passion for astrology as I awaited the birth of my second child. I began the study of astrology with the late Sally Cotton, who was known as an astrologer's astrologer and who launched NEBO, an association in southern New Jersey to promote professional training for astrologers, to which I belonged. Through NEBO, I was able to take a number of workshops with Zip Dobyns and later corresponded with Joan Negus about astrological education.

After my move to Switzerland in 1980, I became acquainted with German-speaking Swiss astrologers and studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, where I obtained my professional diploma and for whom I was a distance tutor for several hundred students at all levels. Over the years, I have been greatly influenced by Liz Greene, Dennis Elwell, Jim Lewis, Jeff Jawer, Lynn Bell, Virginia Bell, Steven Forrest, Michael Harding, Andre Barbault, Denis Laboure, and Jessica Murray and enjoyed a long and lively friendship with Roy Alexander until his death.

Location: Impasse du Siau 5, 1462 Yvonand, Switzerland


Jeremy Price DF Astrol S, FAPAI
E: T: +44 (0)1544 260028

Diploma in counselling and psychotherapy of the Centre for Transpersonal Psychology,

Areas of work: Personal relationships, Character analysis, Children's charts, Forecasting, Teaching, Vocational, Esoteric, Lecturing, Medical, Ongoing work/Counselling, Psychological, Cassettes, Telephone Consultations

Location: Presteigne, Powys, Wales, United Kingdom

Jess Abbott, CPA, MISPA
W: E: Instagram: @inkblot_astro

I am a psychological astrologer specializing in natal chart readings and solar return readings, located in Maine in the United States. My consultations are primarily conducted remotely on zoom, where I offer a video recording of our session should you wish to return to it.

Communicating and relating are my lifeblood, and astrology is my weapon of choice when it comes to connecting others with their own personal sense of meaning. I use traditional rulership, the Campanus house system, and a blend of both psychological and traditional astrology.

I hold certification through the Centre for Psychological Astrology, and a Diploma of Psychological Astrology through the Mercury Internet School for Psychological Astrology. Visit my website for more information on my credentials.

Location: Maine, United States

Jieyu (Jackie) Chen MA, JD, DFAstrol S
E: W:

I hold a master’s degree in mainstream psychology and I am currently a diploma candidate and trainee Jungian analyst, working on cases under the supervision of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. In my professional practice, I integrate the profound insights of astrology with contemporary advancements in analytical psychology. This unique approach enables me to assist my clients in delving into their unconscious and inner selves from a distinctive and enriching perspective.

Areas of work: psychological astrology, archetypal astrology, self-development, typology and MBTI, vocational/career, relationships, Jungian analysis, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, symbols and dream analysis, counselling.
Location: Hong Kong; international work by Zoom
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, and English

Jill Griggs CPA, MAPAI
E: T: +64 21565681

Location: Wellington, NZ

John Green D Psych Astrol, FAPAI
E: W:

John has been involved with astrology for over 25 years and is Director of the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) offering a diploma course and live webinars. Currently he also works as an astrology consultant and as a tutor for the Centre for Psychological Astrology. He is the author of the synastry book Do You Love Me? - The Astrology of Relationships.

As a consultant astrologer John helps people understand their birth chart and what it means for them. He gives down to earth help with life, love and all the other myriad areas in your life that you want to know more about, all with compassion and a good dose of gentle humour.

He works with clients online via Zoom (audio file of consultation is included) and sees clients from the UK and globally.

Areas of work: Birth Chart interpretation, Personal relationships, Character analysis, Personal development, Ongoing work/Counselling, Teaching, Lecturing, Psychological, Written work undertaken, Media work.

Location: Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom


Joyce Lambert MA, Dip Astrol C Hons, Dip LSA
Joyce LambertE: W:

I would describe myself as a practical/realistic astrologer. My clients have said that they like my down to earth approach that combines both logic and intuition. I first studied the modern approach to astrology training with both (a correspondence based course) and then at the same time with the London School of Astrology to bring in a more in-person type of study, graduating from both just under 20 years ago.

I had this nagging feeling that there were some pieces missing from the jigsaw puzzle, so I began taking an interest in the more traditional astrological approach which is much more rule based. I have done some formal education in this and in horary, training with both Sharon Knight in the UK and with William Stickevers in the USA.

I now practice astrology from both the modern and the traditional angles, which I feel adds a lot to the service I offer. One side brings in an approach which is more psychological and intuitive, whilst the other brings in the rules of thousands of years of tradition.

I, therefore, feel that I cover a lot of ground which you might say combines the traits of left brain with right brain. I follow the rules but I also work intuitively; I study what has been laid down over centuries and link that with the more modern, more psychological techniques.

Putting all this together I cover an individual s nature and how this affects them in terms of their choices in life. I combine many different techniques to bring an in depth analysis to the chart reading. I cover natal, children, synastry, business, horary and electional work.

I am located just outside of London and offer consultations via zoom.

Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, United Kingdom

Judith Beckman DMS Astrol, RC Astrol, FAPAI, BHum (Hons)
Judith BeckmanT: +44 (0)20 8863 2114

Areas of work: Personal relationships, Character analysis, Electional, Forecasting, Teaching, Vocational, Ongoing work.

Location: Harrow, Middlesex HA2 6BZ, London, England, United Kingdom

Julia Miles DipLSA, Cert FAS, STA Cert
Julia MilesE: T: +44 (0)1273 301521 W:

I have been studying and practising astrology for over 30 years and offer a range of services including individual chart readings, children’s charts, and business consultations, either virtually or in person in Sussex UK.


My approach to new clients is to start with a full review of the birth chart plus forecasting for the 12-18 months ahead around key areas and questions if requested. I adapt consultations to the client by including their specific questions and requirements in topics such as career, business, relationship matters, house moves and so on. Clients can and do return for updates when the time suits, often annually.


I also run a successful coaching, consulting and training business working with individuals and companies of all sizes and relish the opportunity to blend business and astrology when requested. I aim to not only provide useful insight into the picture the birth chart offers but, as an experienced coach, to empower clients in any areas of life they want to focus on at the time of the consultation.

Location: Sussex, England, United Kingdom


Jupiter Lai BBA, MA, STA Dip H, Dip A Astrol, MAPAI
Jupiter LaiE: W:

Jupiter is a practising astrologer, tutor and writer based in Hong Kong. She co-founded the Academy of Astrology (AOA) with Rod Chang in 2008, and also a faculty member of the School of Traditional Astrology (STA).

Areas of Work : Natal chart analysis, forecasting, horary astrology, electional astrology, medical astrology, business astrology, financial astrology. Using both modern psychological astrology and traditional astrology techniques. Chinese astrology and Feng Shui. Tarot.

Location: Hong Kong