The APAI started life as the Association of Professional Astrologers (APA), on 3 February 1990 at 11:02 in London, although the original idea was discussed at the earlier date of 24 January 1987 at 14:28 in Kensington, England, as a result of a group of friends feeling the need for such an organisation to represent professional astrologers.
Originally it was formed for the Diploma holders only, of the then six APAE (the Advisory Panel of Astrological Education) recognised schools. There was also a clause which allowed astrologers who were recognised in the astrological community as exceptional professional practising astrologers who hadn’t undertaken study in a formal astrology school, but whose astrological works had been published or who had proven experience, expertise, and knowledge of the subject. Those astrologers had to submit written work or a full chart interpretation of considerable length, which was then marked by three separate council members before they were accepted as members.

In those early days, when we were a much smaller body of people, meetings were held monthly in members’ homes. We usually met in London, though occasionally elsewhere, and we always had a speaker and lunch and mostly enjoyed the opportunity to exchange experiences and difficulties with our peers. We also provided a bi-monthly Newsletter and subsequently were able to offer Insurance to our members.
Since the turn of the century, and with considerable interest from abroad, we devised our own evaluation system for schools and examining bodies. The new system retained a stringent list of requirements, which were strictly monitored and vetted, and accepted those schools now accredited by the APAE. As a result we have welcomed schools from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Turkey into our ranks and also members from Europe and throughout the world. Consequently, it seemed a natural progression that on 25 October 2003 at 18:03 in Woodford, England, it was decided we should add ‘International’ to our title. Hence The Association of Professional Astrologers International was born.

We have since grown considerably in numbers and we now have members from all over the world, but the Internet and email have provided us with the opportunity to stay in close touch with our membership. Our Newsletter now goes out electronically and we encourage discussion on it as well as on our social media. We continue to have an annual Open Day, usually twinning it with the AGM in the morning and a friendly social lunch, with plenty of time to interact with peers. We have held several of these events out of London, but mostly they are in Central London, which seems to meet most of our needs and gives those from abroad wishing to attend a slightly more straightforward and acceptable journey.
With the ever-increasing demand put on us all by our government to comply with specific acts, standards and requirements, it would appear that our founder members did us all a very big favour by being ahead of their time in seeing the need for an organisation that both we and our clients can feel protected by and confident in.