Code of Ethics and Legal Terms

Code of Ethics

Members of the Association agree to observe the following criteria in the undertaking of all their astrological work:

(a) To respect the dignity and worth of every human being and their right to self-determination. To accept a responsibility to encourage and facilitate the self-development of the client, whilst having due regard for the interests and rights of others.

(b) To preserve the confidentiality and anonymity of a client and all material relating to a client. To take great care in the publication or presentation of case material and to maintain that anonymity unless the client otherwise agrees.

(c) To ensure that a client is made fully aware of the method of working, the duration and nature of the consultation(s) and the fees involved before any work is undertaken.

(d) To ensure that potential clients, whose needs are beyond the competence of an individual astrologer, are referred to appropriate individuals or agencies.

(e) To refrain from offering any medical, legal or financial advice to a client on astrological grounds unless the appropriate skills or qualifications have been obtained.

(f) To refrain from making public comments or predictions on the personal or emotional life of public figures or on the state of their health. Any comments on public figures should be concerned solely with the role for which they are known, and should not be made in a manner likely to bring astrology or the Association into disrepute.

(g) To maintain the highest standards in all dealings with clients, and to refrain from behaviour likely to bring astrology or the Association into disrepute.

Legal Terms and Conditions

The APAI advises its members to communicate the following to clients:

  • Explain briefly and in general what astrology is and what astrologers do.
  • Explain the limitations of the techniques employed, for example: astrology is a symbolic language and offers a balance of probabilities rather than specific certainties.
  • Describe the service(s) to be provided, for example: character analysis, compatibility assessment – and the scale of fees.
  • Emphasize that astrology is not scientifically proven and that no reading can be 100% accurate.
  • Explain, nevertheless, that APAI astrologers will work to the best of their knowledge and abilities in the preparation and delivery of the services to be provided.