APAI recognised schools

To become a member of the APAI, an astrologer must either have a diploma from a recognised astrology school or, in exceptional cases for astrologers who have not been to one of these school, be admitted as a member if they are an astrologer with many years’ experience recognised by the astrological community, and have been interviewed by the Board of the APAI. The following schools are recognised by the APAI and anybody with a Diploma (but not just a Certificate) from these schools may apply to join:

Name of schoolQualificationPrincipalWebsiteEmail
Academy of AstrologyAoARod Chang and Jupiter Laiwww.academyofastrology.co.ukaoa.enquiry@gmail.com
ASA AstroArt School of Astrology (Turkey)Dip. ASA Astroloji OkuluÖner Döşerwww.astrolojiokulu.comsupport@londonschoolofastrology.com
Astro MundiDip. AstroMundiMari Garcia and Joy Usherwww.astromundi.comastromundi@internode.on.net
astrologycollege.comDip. Astro.cJean Elliottwww.astrologycollege.comenquiries@astrologycollege.com
Faculty of Astrological StudiesD.F.Astrol.SCat Coxwww.astrology.org.uk
Federation of Australian AstrologersAdv Dip Astro (FAA)www.faainc.org.au
German School of Astrology (DAV)Geprüfter Astrologe DAVwww.astrologenverband.de
Huber Astrological PsychosynthesisDipl. (HAP)Mark Douglaswww.theseawithinyou.commark@theseawithinyou.com
Kairos School of AstrologyDip. KSAJohn Wadsworthwww.kairosastrology.co.ukjohn@kairosastrology.co.uk
London School of AstrologyDip. LSAFrank Cliffordwww.londonschoolofastrology.comsupport@londonschoolofastrology.com
Mayo School of AstrologyDMS AstrolWendy Staceywww.mayoastrology.comenquiries@mayoastrology.com
MISPADip. MISPAJohn Greenwww.mercuryinternetschool.commispa@mercuryinternetschool.com
National Council for GeoCosmic ResearchNCGR Stage 4www.geocosmic.org
New Moon AstrologyNMAAPStellar Chenwww.newmoonmag.cominfo@newmoonmag.com
Qualifying Horary PractitionerQHPBarbara Dunnwww.qhpastrology.co.uk
School of Medical & Esoteric AstrologyDip. AstroMedYubraj Sharmayubraj@world-of-light.com
School of Traditional Horary AstrologySTA DipHDeborah Houldingwww.sta.co
Traditional Horary CourseDip. Trad. Horary AstSue Wardwww.sue-ward.co.uksuewardhorary@icloud.com
Traditional Natal AstrologyDip. TNASharon Knightwww.astrologersharon.co.ukastrologersharon@aol.com
White Eagle School of AstrologyDip. WESAwww.white-eagle.org.ukenquiries@white-eagle.org.uk

The following schools are no longer teaching, but appropriate qualifications from them are still accepted by the APAI:

Astrological Guild of EducatorsDip. AGE
Astrological Psychology AssociationDip. APA
AstrologosDip. Astrologos
Centre for Psychological AstrologyDip. Psych Astrol